Charlie posing with the tree and the gifts

My sexy husband making pancakes

Kate aka Julia

Jon and Laura

My festive reindeer poncho which i recently acquired on my last Thrifting excursion (recent as in forever ago), and my amazing new gold sequined beret from Laura (how did she know I have been on the hunt for the right one in what seems like forever?!)
Christmas Morning we thanked Kitty for letting us celebrate as well as her and everyone for all of the gifts and wonderful food. Stopped by our house to wish the babes Merry Christmas give them some love, and make sure they had food and water. Then off to the Warren's for Christmas with Jon's wonderful family Jim, Kate, Laura, Jay and Zack. It was a late start for all so we started off with Breakfast which the Christmas tradition is Kate brings out the griddle and Jon makes his yummy pancakes, Kate was channeling Julia Child with her eggs, cinnamon rolls, and hash browns (doing the best impression of her ever!). Next we opened gifts again lots of cook ware Zack got us a mini prep plus food Processor (finally! Thank you Zack! I have been dying for one of these!). After gifts we all took the dogs for a walk, then relaxed and watched movies, ate snacks, hung out and talked, ate more snacks, played games, and ate the best Mac N' Cheese I have ever had thanks to Kate! As always we had such a great time (I wish I took more pictures!). Thank you all so much for yet another great Christmas! Jon and I cannot wait for next year!