The view of the drive home from the car.
Kitty and My Dad waiting to eat!

Patrick, Mom, and Kitty getting everything ready for dinner

Jon in one of his new Cardigans from my Mom

Yum Plate of Swedish Meatballs, My Mom's amazing Gravlax, HoneyBaked Ham, Sillsallad, LiverPate, and Swedish Cheeses.

the Puzzle-Completed
The Puzzle- on its way to being put together
My Mom putting her finishing touches on the Gravlax
Hurry up and take the picture so we can eat!
Christmas Eve has always been Christmas for my family as that is how Swedish Christmas is celebrated so it worked out perfectly for both Jon's and my families (as his family is total Christmas morning). Growing up we always went up to visit my dad's Swedish "sister" Kitty in Wrightwood (we always called it Kitty's mountins) We would celebrate Christmas eve with a putting together the same Christmas puzzle from 1985, enjoying a huge feast, opening gifts and then the next morning my brothers and I would go skiing. We hadn't done this in years! This year Kitty invited us up (or maybe we invited ourselves?). Because I had to work up until the last minute we were unable to go up early as planned but it was still so much fun! We still got to put together the puzzle (Michael is so good at this we were all sitting there for quite a while trying to put together our pieces, Michael comes along and pretty much puts the puzzle together). Next we enjoy a fantastic meal. Then open gifts which consisted of lots of cruise wear for my dad (my parents and some of their friends left this morning for a two week cruise of Spain, Italy, and the Greek Isles), lots of cook ware for Jon and I as well as a Pendleton Blanket (finally!) from Patrick, and Cardigans and Robes for all courtesy of my Mom. Thank you Kitty for letting us all celebrate with you again in your fabulous Mountains!
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