Yesterday morning the Jimmy Choo for H&M collection hit select stores. Daria (my boss) wanted a few pieces from the collection so she wanted to go and wait in line at 7am. (the first 160 people in line would get wristbands to get in to grab the collection and race to shop the accessories for 10 minutes at a time). I really wanted to sleep in but for Daria anything! So I made a few phone calls to H&M to get the inside scoop. Finally I got ahold of my girl Arely and she really gave me the lowdown. She suggested that we get in line no later than 5am if we really wanted to secure a spot. As soon as I heard 5am it became a hell no its so not
that worth it. We had to work anyway so Daria suggested we meet at H&M at 11 (an hour after they opened). A great idea that way the chaos should be over. Everyone was running late. Finally Jon and I arrive at the Beverly Center at 11:30 am. Once the elevator opens to the 8th floor Jon had to walk in the opposite direction because he was frightened for his life. I walk in to see what all the fuss is about. There was a crowd of about 50 or more women (and a few men) gathered around something I couldn't see. I attempt to make my way through the crowd not knowing what as going on but interested to find out. Then behind me a man in a purple t-shirt that read "Jimmy Choo for H&M" walks past me with an arm full of clothing on purple hangers and some women start to grab at him. Then someone yells "you can't touch anything until it is on the rack!". These women were out for blood grabbing at anything they could! I was then told that in the middle of the crowd was an empty rack waiting for pieces coming back from the fitting rooms. Quite fascinated, I walked around the store surveying the scene groups of women in corners with piles and piles of merchandise. It was like watching beasts with their prey! A little scary! There was only one piece I was interested in leather leggings. I saw a woman sitting on a fixture holding a pair. I decided to ask her if she wanted them or not (if not i would ask if I could have them). Just as I start to walk over she gets up and goes over to another woman starts talking to her and hands them to her. I then go over to this woman and ask if you don't want those is there any way you could pass them on to me" she then tells me she has both a size 2 and 4. She is going to the fitting room to decide which one she wants and says I should wait outside for her. Great! I can sit and watch what is going on and get the pants I want. My view from the fitting room is of the area of H&M that all of the coveted accessories were displayed. That was a real treat to watch! About 20 people at a time were allowed in to this cage to go crazy on the accessories for 10 minutes. There was a sales associate with a megaphone shouting out you get ready ladies and gentlemen you have 10 minutes and then the count down began... 9minutes of shopping left, 8 minutes, right down to 30seconds! It was insane! Women were screaming and grabbing at each other in desperation! It was hilarious! Finally after about a 20 minute wait the woman I was waiting for comes out of the fitting rooms and says "sorry dear I decided to go with the size4" I said I'm fine with the size2. "What?! I thought you only wanted the 4!!" she ran back to the rooms to try to get the 2 but just then another sales associate whisks by with all of the merchandise including my pants! So I run after him pass him and go right up to the rack (the crowd had somewhat dispersed except for a few). The clothes were handed to the brave man about to out them on the rack. Just as he is putting them on the rack I scream "I WANT THE LEATHER LEGGINGS!!!" and grab them. I couldn't believe they were in my hands! Just then Daria and Gina show up. They were a little shocked from the craziness. I explain what I know to them. They decide to try their luck at the rack and walk up. But it seemed the crazies were back and along with pushing them both out of the way to get to the clothes also injuring the poor man putting the clothes on the rack. These women were beyond crazy!. So we walk around and try to find things for the job we are working on. Still getting to watch the madness unfold. Daria really wanted a few pieces and throughout the couple of hours (yes I said hours!) we were there I was able to get her (or at the very least view and hold and decide this is garbage) the few things she wanted. When we were done Jon and I told Daria and Gina to move on and we would wait in line (Jon had already been in line for about 20 minutes). While we were waiting we ran into our friend Aimee got a chance to see all of the goodies she was able to get (she said she arrived with a few friends at 6 am and there were already over 100 people in line!?). The girl behind us (she arrived at 9am) was telling her friend "I got everything I wanted and don't really love it as much as I thought I would." nosy me turns around and says "its good its all in yr hands as now you will not be thinking those pieces I never got were amazing and would complete my life if i had them. Now there is no wondering what if" she says to me "I guess". As we were waiting in line people had been grabbing more than they could afford or wanted to spend so many pieces were let go at the register so everyone around was able to pick up that one magical piece they had been waiting for. The saddest was when the cashier holds a bag in the air and says "OK who wants this bag?" and no one answers for a moment until one girl grumbles "I guess I'll take it" and then a girl a few people behind us shouts "Oh my god I want it! That is the reason I waited in line this morning" while he is handing it the other girl. The girl behind us asks the girl the girl with bag if she can have it if she doesn't want it and the girl just ignores her! I told the girl behind us if she lurks around the register long enough another one will appear. (my fingers are crossed that she ended up getting it somehow!). So after about an hour in line (every other person was having credit card problems because they were spending so much money! Jon made me call the credit card company to tell them what was up so we wouldn't hold up the line!) finally we make it to the front of the line to be rung up. It was funny to listen to the guys behind the register many had been there since the crack of dawn to prepare for this (most on their way to over time). They were telling us about the day and how crazy it was. Jon and I left the store both our tummies growling from hunger and beyond exhausted! Never again will I make the trek to H&M on a day like this unless it is to watch the madness from the outside as that part was simply amazing!
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