Jon and I woke up and went to get ramen for breakfast. SO GOOD. Afterwards we headed to Tokyu Hands to find my brother a porter briefcase. We went back and fourth and finally decided on a Ballistic nylon one that was the perfect blend of "professional, yet hip".
We stopped by Beams so Jon could pick up a pair of shoes we lost track of time and had to make a mad dash back to the hotel to pack as fast as we could and head down to the lobby to check out and catch our bus to the airport. During the bus ride Jon was messing around with the setting on the camera so we took a bunch of photos. Jon was on a different flight, airline, even dropped at a different terminal! (he had to fly all the way back to Hong Kong have a two hour layover then fly back to LA! I will never understand a certain companies travel agents thought process but i will not go there...) So we had to part for a few hours :( and I would pick him up that night. I was way early for my flight so I stopped for Udon and beer and read my book for a while. The flight home was great I got a window seat and the flight wasn't full so there was an empty seat next to me so I could stretch out and sleep (I actually slept as well). The only downer was a poor baby that cried (actually screamed at the top of her lungs I thought she would stop from eventually losing her voice) for more than half of the flight and the flight attendant waking me from sleep for a really bad breakfast. I arrived home to torrential downpour and all of Long Beach being flooded which I couldn't decide if I liked it or thought it extremely depressing? Maybe depressing because the second I walked through the door the rain stopped and the sun came out. The babes were so happy I was home and I was so happy to see them. My wallet was happiest to be home....
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